Source code for uprate.decorators

from __future__ import annotations

from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction, sleep
from import Coroutine
from functools import wraps
from time import sleep as block
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Protocol, TypeVar, Union, cast

from ._sync import SyncRateLimit, SyncStore
from ._utils import maybe_awaitable
from .errors import RateLimitError
from .ratelimit import RateLimit
from .store import BaseStore

    from .rate import Rate, RateGroup

__all__ = (

Key = TypeVar("Key")
"""An unbound and unconstrained TypeVar"""

R = TypeVar("R", covariant=True)

AnyRateLimit = Union[SyncRateLimit, RateLimit]

class LimitedCallable(Protocol[R]):
    limit: AnyRateLimit

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwds) -> R:

def _apply_attrs(func: Callable[..., R], **attrs) -> LimitedCallable[R]:
    func = cast(LimitedCallable[R], func)

    for k, v in attrs.items():
        setattr(func, k, v)

    return func

[docs]async def on_retry_sleep(error: RateLimitError) -> None: """Make the current task yield to the event_loop till a usage token is available for the rate limit which raised :exc:`uprate.errors.RateLimitError` Parameters ---------- error : :exc:`.RateLimitError` The rate limit error to sleep for. """ await sleep(error.retry_after)
[docs]def on_retry_block(error: RateLimitError) -> None: """Block the current thread till a usage token is available for the rate limit which raised :exc:`uprate.errors.RateLimitError` Parameters ---------- error : :exc:`.RateLimitError` The rate limit error to block for. """ block(error.retry_after)
# TODO: Complete Docs
[docs]def ratelimit( rate: Rate | RateGroup, *, key: Callable[..., Key] | Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Key]] | None = None, on_retry: Callable[[RateLimitError], Any] | Callable[[RateLimitError], Coroutine] | None = None, store: BaseStore | SyncStore | None = None ): """Limit a coroutine function or a callable to be called within provided rate. :ref:`Example here <index-example>` Parameters ---------- rate: :class:`~uprate.rate.Rate`, :class:`~uprate.rate.RateGroup`, (``Rate | RateGroup``) The rate that the decorated function must follow. key : Callable[..., :data:`.Key`] | Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, :data:`.Key`]] | :data:`None` The callback for generating a bucket for ratelimit from the arguments provided to the decorated function, this can be a coroutine function only when the decorated is a coroutine function as well. If :data:`None`, a default callback returning a string based on the decorated function's name is used, by default :data:`None`. on_retry : Callable[[:exc:`.RateLimitError`], Any] | Callable[[:exc:`.RateLimitError`], Coroutine] | :data:`None` If provided then this function will be called when the function gets ratelimited and then the decorated function will be called again, if :data:`None` then function call isn't retried and :exc:`.RateLimitError` is raised, by default :data:`None`. store : :class:`.BaseStore` | :class:`.SyncStore` | :data:`None` The store to use for the rate limit, must be of type :class:`.BaseStore` if decorated function is a coroutine function else :class:`.SyncStore`. If :data:`None` then a suitable derived memory store is used, by default :data:`None`. Raises ------ :exc:`.RateLimitError` ``on_retry`` parameter is not provided and the decorated function got ratelimited. """ def decorator(func: Callable[..., R]) -> LimitedCallable[R]: nonlocal on_retry, key key = key or cast(Callable[..., Key], lambda *a, **k: "DEFAULT_BUCKET_" + func.__name__) if iscoroutinefunction(func): if isinstance(store, BaseStore) or store is None: limit: AnyRateLimit = RateLimit(rate, store) else: raise TypeError("Cannot use a uprate._sync.SyncStore instance with a coroutine function.") @wraps(func) async def rated(*args, **kwargs): while True: try: bucket = await maybe_awaitable(key(*args, **kwargs)) await limit.acquire(bucket) except RateLimitError as err: if on_retry is None: raise err from None else: await maybe_awaitable(on_retry(err)) else: return await func(*args, **kwargs) else: if isinstance(store, SyncStore) or store is None: limit = SyncRateLimit(rate, store) else: raise TypeError("Cannot use a uprate.BaseStore instance with a subroutine.") @wraps(func) def rated(*args, **kwargs): while True: try: bucket = key(*args, **kwargs) limit.acquire(bucket) except RateLimitError as err: if on_retry is None: raise err from None else: on_retry(err) else: return func() return _apply_attrs(rated, limit=limit) return decorator