```{image} https://github.com/WizzyGeek/WizzyGeek/raw/main/assets/uprate/uprate_logo_rev2.png :width: 85% :alt: Uprate, RateLimits. Dumbified. :align: center ``` # Uprate Thanks for giving our docs a try! we will try to make this easy to understand. If you cannot understand certain parts of the docs or feel that it is too complicated then feel free to ask [questions here 😄](https://github.com/WizzyGeek/uprate/discussions/categories/q-a) ## Quickstart Docs are currently in the making, a rich API Reference with some examples is all we offer right now. ## Example (index-example)= ```{literalinclude} examples/docs_index.py :language: py ``` we are working on more examples as of now to complete the docs 😅 stay tuned! ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents api/index.md ``` ## Indices and tables * {ref}`genindex` * {ref}`modindex` * {ref}`search`